
Documentation used by developers, not usually of interest to non-developers.

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Recently modified topics: CSSResources, FoswikiBot, BuildingARelease, PerlCritic, HowToWriteBetterCopy, GettingStarted, DeveloperResponsibilities, ReleaseProcess, GitRepository, TranslationUserInterface, ProjectOverview, HowToMakeSimplePlugin, HowToStartExtensionDevelopmentInGit, HowToIntegrateWithRequestValidation, DevelopersBible, LifeOfATopic, TechnicalOverview, ParkedFeatureProposals, RejectedFeatureProposals, CompletedFeatureProposals

Results from Development web retrieved at 13:31 (GMT)

ChangeProposals that are AcceptedBy14DayRule The following proposals have committed developers and were commited at least 14 days ago.
ChangeProposals that are AcceptedByReleaseMeeting Change proposals raised according to the release process may be discussed and voted for at the release meetings...
Accepted Feature Proposals Proposals that have a committed owner and have been accepted according to the release process Accepted proposals waiting to be imp...
ChangeProposals that are in state AcceptedProposal This state is used when a proposal has been accepted according to the release process , either by ConsensusR...
AddToZoneFromPluginHandlers Using ADDTOZONE from certain plugin handlers This document is linked to from the standard POD documentation Warning! Take care when...
A ChangeProposal's BugTracking field is used for linking to Bugs in the Bugs web that track it's implementation.
BuildContrib Cookbook This topic has been partially updated for using git, but needs validation and further updates. This is a cookbook of recipes for using Ext...
How to Build a Release This manual process describes the script THIS PROCESS REQUIRES PICKING OVER WITH A FINE TOOTHED COMB. It is an importa...
CSS Resources A list of resources for those intrepid adventurers who want to learn more about CSS. Local Topics this list is automatically generated by searching...
Change Proposals Classification Change proposals fall in to one of the following categories, each with its own template for new topics. Go to a classification's ...
WARNING: below search does not work Changed Active Feature Proposals This topic is a helper topic that searches for feature proposals with a committed driver per...
WARNING: below search does not work Changed Feature Proposals without a committed developer This topic shows changes in feature proposals that do not have a comm...
CharacterSetTestCases The files attached to this topic are complete .txt files suitable for use with Rcs* and PlainFile stores. They contain text suitable for tes...
CodeAttribution Please discuss on the discussion page. Note copyright laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Assuming the Foswiki association will be incorp...
Perl coding standards General Principles Foswiki is a large project which, over the years, has had a lot of contributors. It is also mainly written in perl, whic...
CodingStandardsDiscussions Regarding Coding Conventions Are we really fixated on the camel case style for function and variable names (within code)? Most Perl pr...
Completed Feature Proposals Proposals that have been completed following the release process Completed Proposals (Merged to core or to default plugin) %SEARCH{...
Completed Feature Proposals Proposals that have been completed following the release process.This page uses 2 URL parameters. release (no default), and state (def...
Concern Raised By As described in the release process ANYONE can raise concern against a proposal for a new feature or change of existing feature. The concern...
ChangeProposals that have reached consensus These ChangeProposals are at the stage where enough information and agreement exists to be able to start documenting a...
CopyrightAndLicense Please discuss on the discussion page. Copyright The Foswiki product is Copyright 2008 by the Foswiki project and its contributors. Please re...
CopyrightAndLicenseTalk Assignment of copyright To make it easier to resolve any potential copyright disputes, and to simplify the task of attribution for any ot...
Core Internals This page aims to describe, in geek speak, what is going on in the core internals of Foswiki, and what we hope to achieve by making these changes. ...
Current State workflow A ChangeProposal's CurrentState field is used for tracking its development status. It can take the following states: Name Type Tool...
Customer Advocates Customer advocates are members of the Foswiki community that have volunteered to monitor the FeatureProposals that are raised and evaluate them...
Date Of Commitment As defined in the release process the 14 day auto acceptance rule does not apply unless a proposal has one or more developers committed to ...
Feature Proposal: How Foswiki deprecates features and APIs Motivation We discuss deprecation frequently, but the actual process is only covered piecemeal in code...
Developer Responsibilities With every freedom comes responsibilities, and if you are able to check in you also have a responsibility to contribute to the maintena...
DevelopersBible This is the gateway to all documentation used day to day by developers. Read the Project Overview and follow Getting Started if you are ne...
Developers Feature Test Checklist Background When you make code changes that can affect many features it can be difficult to systematically walk through all the ...
This topic is a stub; you can help Foswiki by expanding the content here to describe best practices for documentation. Documentation standards for developers For...
ExtensionDeveloperGuide So, you want to help Foswiki by creating an extension? Great! Here's how to get started. Firstly, as a rough guide: * Plugins generally...
Plugins and License This topic describes the license that applies to Foswiki extensions. The purpose is to help new extension developers to choose the correct lic...
Feature Proposals #FeatureRequest "}% Topic Title Example: It would be really neat if you could store content in MySQL Topic Name Example...
What is FoswikiBot? FoswikiBot is an IRC bot for the #foswiki IRC channel. The bot used to be a Mozbot with a few custom modules. As of 12th of June 2011, it has ...
FoswikiCodingConventions DEVELOPERS, FEEL FREE TO ADD TO THIS DOCUMENT Foswiki is a large and complex system, combining contributions from many different individu...
FoswikiRedirectCache Design and Operation of Foswiki Redirect Cache There is some confusion on how the Foswiki Redirect Cache is supposed to work. This topic cur...
Foswiki Stand Alone Introduction There are many ways to run web applications, including CGI, mod_perl (for Perl apps), and FastCGI. Each of them has its strength...
Feature Proposal: Cast in stone the topic revision numbering scheme used by the RCS based stores This topic should be refactored as developer documentation, and ...
Feedback copied from Tasks.Item1174 Here are few things from my wish list: * GENPDF{"Web.Topic.Section"} Create a link for the named section of a topic. ...
Help on getting started as a developer Developers don't just write code. Translators are also developers, as are documentation authors, skin designers anyone wh...
GitAndGithub What's github Github is a social networking site for developers, using git. How to configure We made a generic user account for github called foswi...
git and pseudo Obsolete! Please refer to GitBasedInstall for current documentation. Notes * When you try to pseudo install a missing module, pse...
Foswiki Installation based on git Note: This is a developers topic. We don't recommend that production sites run directly from a git checkout. It won't have a...
Git Branching and Tagging Caution This topic had some critical errors and has been updated. Summary: * Bug fixing: * "Patch bugs" in the branch where ...
GitCookbook rebase rewriting history Rebase is one of the most powerful feature of git, and probably most dangerous one too. As it rewrites history, you have ...
git See ProjectOverview for an overview of the development process, and how we do revision control. This document is all about the nitty gritty details of how we ...
Guidelines for Writing Secure Extensions A collection of guidelines on how to write secure extensions to Foswiki. Organization of scripts, data code * Clien...
GuidelinesForTWikiCompatibleDevelopment Licensing issues Compatibility of licenses Presently both TWiki and Foswiki are licensed under GPLv2 or later. Any cont...
Guidelines for moving TWiki extensions to Foswiki Migration from TWiki to Foswiki Foswiki and TWiki share a common heritage, and with the help of the Extensions...
HowToAddRESTAndMacroHandlersToContribs The Foswiki plugins architecture allows you to hook into the Foswiki flows at a very deep level. To support this, plugins a...
HowToBeAGoodExtensionDeveloper Bad behaviour is: 1 abandoning extensions (not maintaining them) 1 not listening to your user base 1 ignoring or even reje...
How to integrate with request validation (strikeone) The process of request validation is described in outline in the support article on security features. This a...
How to make a simple Foswiki Plugin Introduction This topic is written for the absolute beginner that would like to write a simple plugin for Foswiki that imp...
How to start extension development in Git What is Git? Git is a "version control system" From http://git "Git is a free and open source distributed v...
HowToUseGit THE SUBVERSION REPOSITORY IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED. Most of the below instructions are obsolete! Here you will find details on how to use git for Fo...
How To Write A .spec File Note: This How To is written for Foswiki 1.2 and later. For older versions of Foswiki, you are probably better off reading System.Develo...
Style guide for writing better copy Everyone at some point needs to write copy (text): documentation, a proposal, or answers to support questions. This topic prov...
ChangeProposals that are in state ImplementedAsExtension These ChangeProposals were implemented as an optional extension.
Internationalisation guidelines This document is targeted at developers (core code, plugin code and user interface developers). If you are looking for instruction...
Feature Proposals under Investigation Proposals that are under investigation and don't yet fulfil the basic criteria in the release process mainly * Proposals ...
JQueryLibPlugin Development page for Extensions.JQueryLibPlugin Motivations I decided working on JQueryLibPlugin as at the time JQueryPlugin was not ported to Fo...
Javascript Coding Standards * See UsingJQueryWithFoswiki#CodingStandards * Foswiki generally contains the source code in foo.uncompressed.js, and the minifi...
LanguageUsageGuide This document provides guidance on language usage in Foswiki product documentation. For a mapping of older terms to new ones introduced by the ...
Life of a topic: Store Browser When you view a topic on Foswiki, the "View" script, a lot goes on under the covers, but the basic steps are illustrated here: ...
.Macros should observe the following syntax: macro ::= '%' macro_name argList '%' ; argList ::= '{' args '}' ; args ::= cheat_...
MakeTextWebFrameworks Web based translation tools Pootle * Project: * Demo: http://pootle.locamotion.or...
Making extensions upgrade safe Core code already has a strong review policy, and an explicitly review period in which many eyes help avoiding non backwards compat...
ChangeProposals that have made it into a Release These ChangeProposals are in a previous release, or will be in the next major release!
ModelViewController Model View Controller (MVC) is a well known software architecture pattern, used in many web applications. I thought it would be interesting to...
NatSkinDev Discussion If you want to change the behavior of your Nat editor you can take a look at jquery.natedit.js. The jquery.natedit object is created from e...
Nerdometer An tool to measure the nerd factor. 0 is the ideal. No trace of nerdiness. And 10 is an absolute disaster. This Nerdometer and its nerd factor is meant...
Notes on Java Applets and AJAX Down and Dirty Developer Documentation I compiled the following notes while working on the Extensions.JHotDrawPlugin. I wanted to b...
Parked Feature Proposals Proposals that have been parked because they failed to fullfill the basic criteria in the release process mainly * Proposals must have...
ChangeProposals that are in state ParkedProposal A proposal which may have been discussed but there was never a committed developer that came forward, or there wa...
PerlCritic Perl::Critic is an extensible framework for creating and applying coding standards to Perl source code. Essentially, it is a static source code analysi...
PerlTidy Perltidy is a Perl script which indents and reformats Perl scripts to make them easier to read. If you write Perl scr...
Plugin API Policies Introduction It's important that authors of Plugins are able to work within an environment without shifting ground rules. Otherwise, people ...
ProjectOverview Introduction This is an overview of the Foswiki development and release processes, without getting into the dirty details. Links in the text will...
Feature Proposals taken for Community Vote A Feature proposal is ready for community vote per release process when * Proposals that have a committed developer ...
Which release was/is this targeted for, Anyone can set this but that does not mean it will actually be done for that release; that will be decided by the prioriti...
Reason For Decision This field is used to identify the reason behind a decision taken by the Foswiki Community in relation to new feature proposals according to t...
Strategy for Regular Expression Support Foswiki strives to support the rich Perl regular expression syntax for end users, for example in searching. However, becau...
Rejected Feature Proposals Proposals that have been rejected following the release process Proposals that have been rejected can be put back in UnderInvestigation...
ChangeProposals that are in state RejectedProposal This state is used when a proposal has been rejected according to the release process .
Version and Release Numbering (revisited) This topic is about version and numbering of Foswiki releases and extensions, which is changing as of Foswiki versions 1...
Release Process There are two levels of feature acceptance/tracking: * Feature proposal acceptance * Minor feature tracking bug fixes Feature proposal...
Want access to change Foswiki or Extensions? This form is used to request direct access to the foswiki github account. Anybody can issue pull requests without pe...
SVK SVK is a decentralized version control system written in Perl. It uses the Subversion filesystem but provides additional, powerful features. SVK inherits the ...
SVN Subversion code repository for Foswiki. See SvnRepository. Old source code manager for Foswiki, now replaced by Git, see GitRepository, for details
Sorting with Sort::Maker Perl Best Practices writes "Consider building your sorting routines with Sort::Maker". As of version 1.1, Foswiki ships CPAN:Sort::Maker ...
This document is replaced by System.DevelopingPlugins How to integrate extension configuration into bin/configure Introduction Simple plugins can embed confi...
StepByStepRenderingOrder Order of plugin handler calls Here's an annotated example of the plugin handler calls during the view of a simple page (no skin, page co...
Foswiki Installation based on Subversion SUBVERSION IS NOW READ ONLY See GitBasedInstall for information about running from a git checkout. Once you have fo...
Subversion Branching and Tagging Overview * A major release is a release where the first digit in the version number changes. * A minor release is a releas...
How to set up your local SVN mirror (with svk) Method 1: To have a local subversion repository The goal is to have one's own subversion repository in order to a...
Subversion SUBVERSION IS NOW READ ONLY See GitRepository for development information. See ProjectOverview for an overview of the development process, and how...
Formatting Code See also: * SvnRepository#RulesForCheckins * PerlTidy * CodingStandardsDiscussions#Formatting_Code It is important when working ...
Technical Overview Describing what Foswiki is, and how it works, in 3,000 metre terms, for developers. Apologies in advance that the some of the language in this...
TestingWithSelenium Testing Foswiki with Selenium Selenium "... is a suite of tools to automate web app testing across many platforms." Extensions.UnitTestContri...
The 14 days rule of feature decision making It is part of the decision making process of the community, and structures the way new feature proposals are handled. ...
Thin Prefs Main.GilmarSantosJr 11 May 2009
Topic Structure For Foswiki Extensions Please discuss on the discussion page. Overview Update the instructions on this page with your extension: Extension Name: ...
TranslationUserInterface This document is targeted at translators. If you are looking for instructions on configuring your Foswiki to work with your local languag...
ChangeProposals that are in state UnderConstruction These ChangeProposals are at the stage where documentation and/or coding has started; these are LiveProjects.
ChangeProposals that are in state UnderInvestigation Basic proposal, concept or report, anything which hasn't entered the workflow proper. Examples are: a reporte...
Understanding Encodings Why do we have such a hard time with international character sets? As more of us start to understand how they work, the implications of su...
Unicode collation Unicode has support for specific collation rules, used when sorting data see the Unicode documentation and CPAN:Unicode::Collate. This may be...
Test Cases Tutorial Introduction Foswiki is written in Perl. Like all large and complex software projects, it requires developers to be disciplined and focused o...
User Interface Internationalisation Introduction This document is targeted at developers (core, extension and user interface developers). If you are looking for ...
Introduction jQuery is an industry standard Javascript framework, used by a lot of Foswiki extensions and many foswiki developers. jQuery is the "javascript frame...
VimEditor Configuration For Development To configure vim as per the CodingStandards, put the following in your .vimrc set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab set tabstop=...
WORK IN PROCESS. Information on rebuilding / updating the Foswiki Virtual Machine Updating The Image * Update the OS with the latest Ubuntu LTS build. ...
WhatIsGoingWrong So you have a problem Something isn't working quite right in Foswiki and you want to figure out what's happening. Adding debugging to the code ...
Github and development workflow With git and Github development, there are a number of possible workflows available for the developer to choose. Remember however...
Number of topics: 116

BasicForm edit

TopicClassification GatewayTopic
TopicSummary Documentation used by developers, not usually of interest to non-developers.
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Logo.pngpng Logo.png manage 6 K 02 Nov 2008 - 11:46 CrawfordCurrie  
Logo.svgsvg Logo.svg manage 52 K 02 Nov 2008 - 12:25 CrawfordCurrie SVG for the DNA picture
Topic revision: r4 - 10 Nov 2008, RafaelAlvarez
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