# Configuration of Foswiki - The Free and Open Source Wiki, http://foswiki.org/ # See bottom of file for license and copyright information. # # This configuration file is held in 'foswiki/lib' directory. Do not edit # this file! Instead, create a new private file called "LocalSite.cfg" and # add your customised settings there. That way, there is no risk of your # local settings being overwritten when you upgrade. # # See 'setlib.cfg' in the 'bin' directory for how to configure a non-standard # include path for Perl modules. # # Note that the comments in this file are formatted specifically so # that the 'configure' script can extract documentation from here. See # http://foswiki.org/System/DevelopingPlugins#Integrating_with_configure # for details of the syntax used. # # NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS: you can use $Foswiki::cfg variables in other settings, # but you must be sure they are only evaluated under program control and # not when this file is loaded. For example: ## $Foswiki::cfg{Blah} = "$Foswiki::cfg{DataDir}/blah.dat"; # BAD ## $Foswiki::cfg{Blah} = '$Foswiki::cfg{DataDir}/blah.dat'; # GOOD # Note that the general path settings are deliberately commented out. # This is because they *must* be defined in LocalSite.cfg, and *not* here. #---+ General path settings #

If you are a first-time installer: once you have set # up the eight paths below, your wiki should work - try it. You can # always come back and tweak other settings later.


Security Note: Only the URL paths listed below should # be browseable from the web. If you expose any other directories (such as # lib or templates) you are opening up routes for possible hacking attempts.

# **URL M** # This is the root of all Foswiki URLs e.g. http://myhost.com:123. $Foswiki::cfg{DefaultUrlHost} = 'http://wiki.com'; # **STRING** # If your host has aliases (such as both www.mywiki.net and mywiki.net # and some IP addresses) you need to tell Foswiki that redirecting to them # is OK. Foswiki uses redirection as part of its normal mode of operation # when it changes between editing and viewing. # To prevent Foswiki from being used in phishing attacks and to protect it # from middleman exploits, the security setting {AllowRedirectUrl} is by # default disabled, restricting redirection to other domains. If a redirection # to a different host is attempted, the target URL is compared against this # list of additional trusted sites, and only if it matches is the redirect # permitted.
# Enter as a comma separated list of URLs (protocol, hostname and (optional) # port) e.g. http://your.domain.com:8080,https://other.domain.com $Foswiki::cfg{PermittedRedirectHostUrls} = ''; # **URLPATH M** # This is the 'cgi-bin' part of URLs used to access the Foswiki bin # directory e.g. /foswiki/bin
# Do not include a trailing /. #

# See ShorterUrlCookbook for more information on setting up # Foswiki to use shorter script URLs. Expand expert settings to get to settings for the view script. Other scripts need to # be manually added to lib/LocalSite.cfg $Foswiki::cfg{ScriptUrlPath} = '/foswiki/bin'; # **URLPATH M** # This is the complete path used to access the Foswiki view script including any suffix. Do not include a trailing /. # (This is an exception override, so the ScriptSuffix is not automatically added.) # e.g. /foswiki/bin/view.pl
Note: The default is acceptable except when shorter URLs are used. #

# If you are using Shorter URL's, then this is typically set to the base path of your wiki, which should be the value # of {ScriptUrlPath} excluding /bin. e.g. if your {ScriptUrlPath} is either empty or set to /bin leave # {ScriptUrlPaths}{view} empty; if it is set to something like /directory/bin set it to /directory #

# Do not change # this unless your Web Server configuration has been set to use shorter URLs. See also the Foswiki # Apache Config Generator and # Shorter URL Cookbook $Foswiki::cfg{ScriptUrlPaths}{view} = '$Foswiki::cfg{ScriptUrlPath}/view$Foswiki::cfg{ScriptSuffix}'; # **PATH M** # This is the file system path used to access the Foswiki bin # directory. $Foswiki::cfg{ScriptDir} = '/var/www/foswiki/bin'; # **URLPATH M** # Attachments URL path e.g. /foswiki/pub #

Security Note: files in this directory are *not* # protected by Foswiki access controls. If you require access controls, you # will have to use webserver controls (e.g. .htaccess on Apache) $Foswiki::cfg{PubUrlPath} = '/foswiki/pub'; # **NUMBER EXPERT** # This is the maximum number of files and directories that will be checked # for permissions for the pub and data Directory paths. This limit is initially set to # 4200, which should be reasonable for a default installation. If it is # exceeded, then an informational message is returned stating that incomplete # checking was performed. If this is set to a large number on large installations, # then a significant delay will be incurred when configure is run, due to the # recursive directory checking. $Foswiki::cfg{PathCheckLimit} = 4200; # **PATH M** # Attachments store (file path, not URL), must match /foswiki/pub e.g. # /usr/local/foswiki/pub $Foswiki::cfg{PubDir} = '/var/www/foswiki/pub'; # **PATH M** # Topic files store (file path, not URL) e.g. /usr/local/foswiki/data $Foswiki::cfg{DataDir} = '/var/www/foswiki'; # **PATH M** # Tools directory e.g. /usr/local/foswiki/tools $Foswiki::cfg{ToolsDir} = '/var/www/foswiki/tools'; # **PATH M** # Template directory e.g. /usr/local/foswiki/templates $Foswiki::cfg{TemplateDir} = '/var/www/foswiki/templates'; # **PATH M** # Translation files directory (file path, not URL) e.g. /usr/local/foswiki/locale $Foswiki::cfg{LocalesDir} = '/var/www/foswiki/locale'; # **PATH M** # Directory where Foswiki stores files that are required for the management # of Foswiki, but are not required to be browsed from the web. # A number of subdirectories will be created automatically under this # directory: #

$Foswiki::cfg{WorkingDir} = '/var/www/foswiki/working'; # **STRING 10** # Suffix of Foswiki CGI scripts (e.g. .cgi or .pl). You may need to set this # if your webserver requires an extension. $Foswiki::cfg{ScriptSuffix} = ''; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # {OS} and {DetailedOS} are calculated in the Foswiki code. You # should only need to override if there is something badly wrong with # those calculations.
# {OS} may be one of UNIX WINDOWS VMS DOS MACINTOSH OS2 $Foswiki::cfg{OS} = 'UNIX'; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # The value of Perl $OS $Foswiki::cfg{DetailedOS} = 'linux'; #---+ Security and Authentication -- TABS #

In order to support tracking who changed what, and apply access controls, # Foswiki is normally configured to use logins. The tabs below control # various aspects of logins.

#---++ Sessions #

Sessions are how Foswiki tracks a user across multiple requests. # A user's session id is stored in a cookie, and this is used to identify # the user for each request they make to the server. # You can use sessions even if you are not using login. # This allows you to have persistent session variables - for example, skins. # Client sessions are not required for logins to work, but Foswiki will not # be able to remember logged-in users consistently. # See User # Authentication for a full discussion of the pros and # cons of using persistent sessions.

# **BOOLEAN** # Control whether Foswiki will use persistent sessions. $Foswiki::cfg{UseClientSessions} = 1; # **STRING 20** # Set the session timeout, in seconds. The session will be cleared after this # amount of time without the session being accessed. The default is 6 hours # (21600 seconds).

# Note By default, session expiry is done "on the fly" by the same # processes used to # serve Foswiki requests. As such it imposes a load on the server. When # there are very large numbers of session files, this load can become # significant. For best performance, you can set {Sessions}{ExpireAfter} # to a negative number, which will mean that Foswiki won't try to clean # up expired sessions using CGI processes. Instead you should use a cron # job to clean up expired sessions. The standard maintenance cron script # tools/tick_foswiki.pl includes this function. #

Session files are stored in the {WorkingDir}/tmp directory. $Foswiki::cfg{Sessions}{ExpireAfter} = 21600; # **NUMBER EXPERT** # TemplateLogin only. # Normally the cookie that remembers a user session is set to expire # when the browser exits, but using this value you can make the cookie # expire after a set number of seconds instead. If you set it then # users will be able to tick a 'Remember me' box when logging in, and # their session cookie will be remembered even if the browser exits.

# This should always be the same as, or longer than, {Sessions}{ExpireAfter}, # otherwise Foswiki may delete the session from its memory even though the # cookie is still active.

# A value of 0 will cause the cookie to expire when the browser exits. # One month is roughly equal to 2600000 seconds. $Foswiki::cfg{Sessions}{ExpireCookiesAfter} = 0; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # If you have persistent sessions enabled, then Foswiki will use a cookie in # the browser to store the session ID. If the client has cookies disabled, # then Foswiki will not be able to record the session. As a fallback, Foswiki # can rewrite local URLs to pass the session ID as a parameter to the URL. # This is a potential security risk, because it increases the chance of a # session ID being stolen (accidentally or intentionally) by another user. # If this is turned off, users with cookies disabled will have to # re-authenticate for every secure page access (unless you are using # {Sessions}{MapIP2SID}). $Foswiki::cfg{Sessions}{IDsInURLs} = 0; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # It is possible to enable a check that the user trying to use a session # is on the same IP address that was used when the session was created. # This gives a small increase in security. Public web sites can easily be # accessed by different users from the same IP address when they access # through the same proxy gateway, meaning that the protection is limited. # Additionally, people get more and more mobile using a mix of LAN, WLAN, # and 3G modems and they will often change IP address several times per day. # For these users IP matching causes the need to re-authenticate all the time. # IP matching is therefore disabled by default and should only be enabled if # you are sure the users IP address never changes during the lifetime of a # session. $Foswiki::cfg{Sessions}{UseIPMatching} = 0; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # For compatibility with older versions, Foswiki supports the mapping of the # clients IP address to a session ID. You can only use this if all # client IP addresses are known to be unique. # If this option is enabled, Foswiki will not store cookies in the # browser. # The mapping is held in the file $Foswiki::cfg{WorkingDir}/tmp/ip2sid. # If you turn this option on, you can safely turn {Sessions}{IDsInURLs} # off. $Foswiki::cfg{Sessions}{MapIP2SID} = 0; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # By default the Foswiki session cookie is only accessible by the host which # sets it. To change the scope of this cookie you can set this to any other # value (ie. company.com). Make sure, Foswiki can access its own cookie.
# If empty, this defaults to the current host. $Foswiki::cfg{Sessions}{CookieRealm} = ''; # **SELECT strikeone,embedded,none ** #

By default Foswiki uses Javascript to perform "double submission" validation # of browser requests. This technique, called "strikeone", is highly # recommended for the prevention of cross-site request forgery (CSRF). See also # # Why am I being asked to confirm?.


If Javascript is known not to be available in browsers that use the site, # or cookies are disabled, but you still want validation of submissions, # then you can fall back on a embedded-key validation technique that # is less secure, but still offers some protection against CSRF. Both # validation techniques rely on user verification of "suspicious" # transactions.


This option allows you to select which validation technique will be # used.
# If it is set to "strikeone", or is undefined, 0, or the empty string, then # double-submission using Javascript will be used.
# If it is set to "embedded", then embedded validation keys will be used.
# If it is set to "none", then no validation of posted requests will # be performed.

$Foswiki::cfg{Validation}{Method} = 'strikeone'; # **NUMBER EXPERT** # Validation keys are stored for a maximum of this amount of time before # they are invalidated. Time in seconds. $Foswiki::cfg{Validation}{ValidForTime} = 3600; # **NUMBER EXPERT** # The maximum number of validation keys to store in a session. There is one # key stored for each page rendered. If the number of keys exceeds this # number, the oldest keys will be force-expired to bring the number down. $Foswiki::cfg{Validation}{MaxKeysPerSession} = 1000; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Expire a validation key immediately when it is used to validate the saving # of a page. This protects against an attacker evesdropping the communication # between browser and server and exploiting the keys sent from browser to # server. If this is enabled and a user edits and saves a page, and then goes # back to the edit screen using the browser back button and saves again, they # will be met by a warning screen against "Suspicious request from # browser". The same warning will be displayed if you build an application with # pages containing multiple forms and users try to submit from these # forms more than once. If this warning screen is a problem for your users, you # can disable this setting which enables reuse of validation keys. # However this will lower the level of security against cross-site request # forgery. $Foswiki::cfg{Validation}{ExpireKeyOnUse} = 1; #---++ Login #

Foswiki supports different ways of handling how a user asks, or is asked, # to log in.

# **SELECTCLASS none,Foswiki::LoginManager::*Login** #
  1. # none - Don't support logging in, all users have access to everything. #
  2. # Foswiki::LoginManager::TemplateLogin - Redirect to the login template, which # asks for a username and password in a form. Does not cache the ID in # the browser, so requires client sessions to work. #
  3. # Foswiki::LoginManager::ApacheLogin - Redirect to an '...auth' script for which # Apache can be configured to ask for authorization information. Does # not require client sessions, but works best with them enabled. #
$Foswiki::cfg{LoginManager} = 'Foswiki::LoginManager::TemplateLogin'; # **STRING 100** # Comma-separated list of scripts in the bin directory that require the user to # authenticate. This setting is used with TemplateLogin; any time an # unauthenticated user attempts to access one of these scripts, they will be # required to authenticate. With ApacheLogin, the web server must be configured # to require a valid user for access to these scripts. $Foswiki::cfg{AuthScripts} = 'attach,edit,manage,rename,save,upload,viewauth,rdiffauth,rest'; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Browsers typically remember your login and passwords to make authentication # more convenient for users. If your Foswiki is used on public terminals, # you can prevent this, forcing the user to enter the login and password # every time. $Foswiki::cfg{TemplateLogin}{PreventBrowserRememberingPassword} = 0; # **REGEX EXPERT** # The perl regular expression used to constrain user login names. Some # environments may require funny characters in login names, such as \. # This is a filter in expression i.e. a login name must match this # expression or an error will be thrown and the login denied. $Foswiki::cfg{LoginNameFilterIn} = '^[^\\s\\*?~^\\$@%`"\'&;|<>\\x00-\\x1f]+$'; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # Guest user's login name. You are recommended not to change this. $Foswiki::cfg{DefaultUserLogin} = 'guest'; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # Guest user's wiki name. You are recommended not to change this. $Foswiki::cfg{DefaultUserWikiName} = 'WikiGuest'; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # An internal admin user login name (matched with the configure password, if set) # which can be used as a temporary Admin login (see: Main.AdminUser). # This login name is additionally required by the install script for some addons # and plugins, usually to gain write access to the Foswiki web. # If you change this you risk making topics uneditable. $Foswiki::cfg{AdminUserLogin} = 'admin'; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # An admin user WikiName what is displayed for actions done by the AdminUserLogin # You should normally not need to change this. (You will need to move the # %USERSWEB%.AdminUser topic to match.) $Foswiki::cfg{AdminUserWikiName} = 'xxxxxxxxx'; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # Group of users that can use special action=repRev and action=delRev # on save and ALWAYS have edit powers. See %SYSTEMWEB%.CompleteDocumentation # for an explanation of wiki groups. This user will also run all the # standard cron jobs, such as statistics and mail notification. # The default value "AdminGroup" is used everywhere in Foswiki to # protect important settings so you would need a really special reason to # change this setting. $Foswiki::cfg{SuperAdminGroup} = 'AdminGroup'; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # Name of topic in the {UsersWebName} web where registered users # are listed. Automatically maintained by the standard # registration scripts. If you change this setting you will have to # use Foswiki to manually rename the existing topic $Foswiki::cfg{UsersTopicName} = 'WikiUsers'; # **STRING 80 EXPERT** # Authentication realm. This is # normally only used in md5 password encoding. You may need to change it # if you are sharing a password file with another application. $Foswiki::cfg{AuthRealm} = 'Enter your WikiName. (First name and last name, no space, no dots, capitalized, e.g. JohnSmith). Cancel to register if you do not have one.'; # **SELECTCLASS Foswiki::Users::*UserMapping** # The user mapping is used to equate login names, used with external # authentication systems, with Foswiki user identities. # By default only # two mappings are available, though other mappings *may* be installed to # support authentication providers. #
  1. # Foswiki::Users::TopicUserMapping - uses Foswiki user and group topics to # determine user information, and group memberships. #
  2. # Foswiki::Users::BaseUserMapping - has only pseudo users such as {AdminUser} and # {DefaultUserWikiName}, with the Admins login and password being set from this # configure script. Does not support User registration, and # only works with TemplateLogin. #
$Foswiki::cfg{UserMappingManager} = 'Foswiki::Users::TopicUserMapping'; #---++ Passwords #

The password manager handles the passwords database, and provides # password lookup, and optionally password change, services to the rest of # Foswiki.

# **SELECTCLASS none,Foswiki::Users::*User** # Name of the password handler implementation. Foswiki ships with two alternative implementations: #
  1. # Foswiki::Users::HtPasswdUser - handles 'htpasswd' format files, with # passwords encoded as per the HtpasswdEncoding #
  2. # Foswiki::Users::ApacheHtpasswdUser - should behave identically to # HtpasswdUser, but uses the CPAN:Apache::Htpasswd package to interact # with Apache. It is shipped mainly as a demonstration of how to write # a new password manager. #
# You can provide your own alternative by implementing a new subclass of # Foswiki::Users::Password, and pointing {PasswordManager} at it in # lib/LocalSite.cfg.

# If 'none' is selected, users will not be able to change passwords # and TemplateLogin manager then will always succeed, regardless of # what username or password they enter. This may be useful when you want to # enable logins so Foswiki can identify contributors, but you don't care about # passwords. Using ApacheLogin and PassordManager set to 'none' (and # AllowLoginName = true) is a common Enterprise SSO configuration, in which # any logged in user can then register to create their Foswiki Based identity. $Foswiki::cfg{PasswordManager} = 'Foswiki::Users::HtPasswdUser'; # **NUMBER** # Minimum length for a password, for new registrations and password changes. # If you want to allow null passwords, set this to 0. $Foswiki::cfg{MinPasswordLength} = 7; # **PATH** # Path to the file that stores passwords, for the Foswiki::Users::HtPasswdUser # password manager. You can use the htpasswd Apache program to create a new # password file with the right encoding. $Foswiki::cfg{Htpasswd}{FileName} = '$Foswiki::cfg{DataDir}/.htpasswd'; # **SELECT crypt,sha1,md5,plain,crypt-md5** # Password encryption, for the Foswiki::Users::HtPasswdUser password manager. # You can use the htpasswd Apache program to create a new # password file with the right encoding. #

is the default, and should be used on Linux/Unix.
is recommended for use on Windows.
htdigest format - useful on sites where password files are required # to be portable. In this case, the {AuthRealm} is used with the username # and password to generate the encrypted form of the password, thus: # user:{AuthRealm}:password. Take note of this, because it means that # if the {AuthRealm} changes, any existing MD5 encoded passwords will be # invalidated by the change!
stores passwords as plain text (no encryption).
Enable use of standard libc (/etc/shadow) crypt-md5 password (like $1$saltsalt$hashashhashhashhash...$) which are stronger than the crypt paswords, salted, and the salt is stored in the encrypted password string as in normal crypt passwords.
$Foswiki::cfg{Htpasswd}{Encoding} = 'crypt'; #---++ Registration #

Registration is the process by which new users register themselves with # Foswiki.

# **BOOLEAN** # If you want users to be able to use a login ID other than their # wikiname, you need to turn this on. It controls whether the 'LoginName' # box appears during the user registration process, and is used to tell # the User Mapping module whether to map login names to wikinames or not # (if it supports mappings, that is). $Foswiki::cfg{Register}{AllowLoginName} = 0; # **BOOLEAN** # Controls whether new user registration is available. # It will have no effect on existing users. $Foswiki::cfg{Register}{EnableNewUserRegistration} = 1; # **BOOLEAN** # Whether registrations must be verified by the user, by following # a link sent in an email to the user's registered email address $Foswiki::cfg{Register}{NeedVerification} = 0; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Controls whether the user password has to be entered twice on the # registration page or not. The default is to require confirmation, in which # case the same password must be provided in the Twk1Password and # Twk1Confirm inputs. $Foswiki::cfg{Register}{DisablePasswordConfirmation} = 0; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Hide password in registration email to the user # Note that Foswiki sends administrators a separate confirmation. $Foswiki::cfg{Register}{HidePasswd} = 1; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # The internal user that creates user topics on new registrations. # You are recommended not to change this. $Foswiki::cfg{Register}{RegistrationAgentWikiName} = 'RegistrationAgent'; # **STRING H** # Configuration password (not prompted) $Foswiki::cfg{Password} = 'xxx/xxxxxxxxx'; #---++ Environment # **PATH M** # You can override the default PATH setting to control # where Foswiki looks for external programs, such as grep and rcs. # By restricting this path to just a few key # directories, you increase the security of your Foswiki. #
  1. # Unix or Linux # #
  2. #
  3. # Windows ActiveState Perl, using DOS shell # #
  4. #
  5. # Windows Cygwin Perl # #
  6. #
$Foswiki::cfg{SafeEnvPath} = '/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'; # **PERL** # Array of the names of configuration items that are available when using %IF, %SEARCH # and %QUERY{}%. Extensions can push into this array to extend the set. This is done as # a filter in because while the bulk of configuration items are quite innocent, # it's better to be a bit paranoid. $Foswiki::cfg{AccessibleCFG} = [ '{ScriptSuffix}', '{LoginManager}', '{AuthScripts}', '{LoginNameFilterIn}', '{AdminUserLogin}', '{AdminUserWikiName}', '{SuperAdminGroup}', '{UsersTopicName}', '{AuthRealm}', '{MinPasswordLength}', '{Register}{AllowLoginName}', '{Register}{EnableNewUserRegistration}', '{Register}{NeedVerification}', '{Register}{RegistrationAgentWikiName}', '{AllowInlineScript}', '{DenyDotDotInclude}', '{UploadFilter}', '{NameFilter}', '{AccessibleCFG}', '{AntiSpam}{EmailPadding}', '{AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails}', '{AntiSpam}{RobotsAreWelcome}', '{Stats}{TopViews}', '{Stats}{TopContrib}', '{Stats}{TopicName}', '{UserInterfaceInternationalisation}', '{UseLocale}', '{Site}{Locale}', '{Site}{CharSet}', '{DisplayTimeValues}', '{DefaultDateFormat}', '{Site}{LocaleRegexes}', '{UpperNational}', '{LowerNational}', '{PluralToSingular}', '{EnableHierarchicalWebs}', '{WebMasterEmail}', '{WebMasterName}', '{NotifyTopicName}', '{SystemWebName}', '{TrashWebName}', '{SitePrefsTopicName}', '{LocalSitePreferences}', '{HomeTopicName}', '{WebPrefsTopicName}', '{UsersWebName}', '{TemplatePath}', '{LinkProtocolPattern}', '{NumberOfRevisions}', '{MaxRevisionsInADiff}', '{ReplaceIfEditedAgainWithin}', '{LeaseLength}', '{LeaseLengthLessForceful}', '{Plugins}{WebSearchPath}', '{PluginsOrder}', '{Cache}{Enabled}', '{Validation}{Method}', '{Register}{DisablePasswordConfirmation}' ]; # **BOOLEAN** # Allow %INCLUDE of URLs. This is disabled by default, because it is possible # to mount a denial-of-service (DoS) attack on a Foswiki site using INCLUDE and # URLs. Only enable it if you are in an environment where a DoS attack is not # a high risk. #

You may also need to configure the proxy settings ({PROXY}{HOST} and # {PROXY}{PORT}) if your server is behind a firewall and you allow %INCLUDE of # external webpages (see Mail and Proxies). $Foswiki::cfg{INCLUDE}{AllowURLs} = 0; # **BOOLEAN** # Used to disallow the use of SCRIPT and LITERAL tags in topics by removing # them from the body of topics during rendering. # This setting is fundamentally unsafe and is now # DEPRECATED - use SafeWikiPlugin instead. $Foswiki::cfg{AllowInlineScript} = 1; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # If a login name (or an internal user id) cannot be mapped to a wikiname, # then the user is unknown. By default the user will be displayed using # whatever identity is stored for them. For security reasons you may want # to obscure this stored id by setting this option to true. $Foswiki::cfg{RenderLoggedInButUnknownUsers} = 0; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Remove .. from %INCLUDE{filename}%, to stop includes # of relative paths. $Foswiki::cfg{DenyDotDotInclude} = 1; # **REGEX EXPERT** # Filter-in regex for uploaded (attached) file names. This is a filter # in, so any files that match this filter will be renamed on upload # to prevent upload of files with the same file extensions as executables. #

NOTE: Be sure to update # this list with any configuration or script filetypes that are # automatically run by your web server. $Foswiki::cfg{UploadFilter} = '^(\\.htaccess|.*\\.(?i)(?:php[0-9s]?(\\..*)?|[sp]htm[l]?(\\..*)?|pl|py|cgi))$'; # **REGEX EXPERT** # Filter-out regex for webnames, topic names, usernames, include paths # and skin names. This is a filter out, so if any of the # characters matched by this expression are seen in names, they will be # removed. $Foswiki::cfg{NameFilter} = '[\\s\\*?~^\\$@%`"\'&;|<>\\[\\]#\\x00-\\x1f]'; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # If this is set, then the search module will use more relaxed # rules governing regular expressions searches. $Foswiki::cfg{ForceUnsafeRegexes} = 0; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Build the path to /foswiki/bin from the URL that was used to get this # far. This can be useful when rewriting rules or redirection are used # to shorten URLs. Note that displayed links are incorrect after failed # authentication if this is set, so unless you really know what you are # doing, leave it alone. $Foswiki::cfg{GetScriptUrlFromCgi} = 0; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Draining STDIN may be necessary if the script is called due to a # redirect and the original query was a POST. In this case the web # server is waiting to write the POST data to this script's STDIN, # but CGI.pm won't drain STDIN as it is seeing a GET because of the # redirect, not a POST. Enable this only in case a Foswiki script # hangs. $Foswiki::cfg{DrainStdin} = 0; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Remove port number from URL. If set, and a URL is given with a port # number e.g. http://my.server.com:8080/foswiki/bin/view, this will strip # off the port number before using the url in links. $Foswiki::cfg{RemovePortNumber} = 0; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Allow the use of URLs in the redirectto parameter to the # save script, and in topic parameter to the # view script. WARNING: Enabling this feature makes it # very easy to build phishing pages using the wiki, so in general, # public sites should not enable it. Note: It is possible to # redirect to a topic regardless of this setting, such as # topic=OtherTopic or redirectto=Web.OtherTopic. # To enable redirection to a list of trusted URLs, keep this setting # disabled and set the {PermittedRedirectHostUrls}. $Foswiki::cfg{AllowRedirectUrl} = 0; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Some authentication systems do not allow parameters to be passed in # the target URL to be redirected to after authentication. In this case, # Foswiki can be configured to encode the address of the parameter cache # in the path information of the URL. Note that if you are using Apache # rewriting rules, this may not work. $Foswiki::cfg{UsePathForRedirectCache} = 0; # **REGEX EXPERT** # Defines the filter-in regexp that must match the names of environment # variables that can be seen using the %ENV{}% macro. Set it to # '^.*$' to allow all environment variables to be seen (not recommended). $Foswiki::cfg{AccessibleENV} = '^(HTTP_\\w+|REMOTE_\\w+|SERVER_\\w+|REQUEST_\\w+|MOD_PERL|FOSWIKI_ACTION|PATH_INFO)$'; #---++ Anti-Spam #

Foswiki incorporates some simple anti-spam measures to protect # e-mail addresses and control the activities of benign robots. These # should be enough to handle intranet requirements. Administrators of # public (internet) sites are strongly recommended to install # # AntiWikiSpamPlugin

# **STRING 50** # Text added to email addresses to prevent spambots from grabbing # addresses e.g. set to 'NOSPAM' to get fred@user.co.ru # rendered as fred@user.co.NOSPAM.ru $Foswiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{EmailPadding} = ''; # **BOOLEAN** # Normally Foswiki stores the user's sensitive information (such as their e-mail # address) in a database out of public view. It also obfuscates e-mail # addresses displayed in the browser. This is to help prevent e-mail # spam and identity fraud.
# If that is not a risk for you (e.g. you are behind a firewall) and you # are happy for e-mails to be made public to all Foswiki users, # then you can set this option.
# Note that if this option is set, then the user parameter to # %USERINFO is ignored. $Foswiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails} = 1; # **BOOLEAN** # By default, Foswiki doesn't do anything to stop robots, such as those used # by search engines, from visiting "normal view" pages. # If you disable this option, Foswiki will generate a META tag to tell robots # not to index pages.
# Inappropriate pages (like the raw and edit views) are always protected from # being indexed.
# Note that for full protection from robots you should also use robots.txt # (there is an example in the root of your Foswiki installation). $Foswiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{RobotsAreWelcome} = 1; #---+ Logging and Statistics # **PATH** # Directory where log files will be written. Log files are automatically # cycled once a month. $Foswiki::cfg{Log}{Dir} = '$Foswiki::cfg{WorkingDir}/logs'; # **SELECTCLASS none,Foswiki::Logger::* ** # Foswiki supports different implementations of log files. It can be # useful to be able to plug in a database implementation, for example, # for a large site, or even provide your own custom logger. Select the # implementation to be used here. Most sites should be OK with the # PlainFile logger, which automatically rotates the logs every month.

# Note: the Foswiki 1.0 implementation of logfiles is still supported, # through use of the Foswiki::Logger::Compatibility logger. This # logger will automatically be selected if configure detects a setting for # {WarningFileName} in your LocalSite.cfg. You are recommended to # change to the PlainFile logger at your earliest convenience by removing this # setting from LocalSite.cfg and re-running configure. $Foswiki::cfg{Log}{Implementation} = 'Foswiki::Logger::PlainFile'; # **PERL EXPERT** # Whether or not to log different actions in the events log. # Information in the events log is used in gathering web statistics, # and is useful as an audit trail of Foswiki activity. $Foswiki::cfg{Log}{Action} = { 'search' => 1, 'rest' => 1, 'edit' => 1, 'viewfile' => 1, 'register' => 1, 'save' => 1, 'rename' => 1, 'changes' => 1, 'view' => 1, 'upload' => 1, 'rdiff' => 1, 'attach' => 1 }; # **NUMBER** # Number of top viewed topics to show in statistics topic $Foswiki::cfg{Stats}{TopViews} = 10; # **NUMBER** # Number of top contributors to show in statistics topic $Foswiki::cfg{Stats}{TopContrib} = 10; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # Name of statistics topic $Foswiki::cfg{Stats}{TopicName} = 'WebStatistics'; #---+ Internationalisation -- TABS #---++ Languages # **BOOLEAN** #

Enable user interface internationalisation, i.e. presenting the user # interface in the users own language(s). Some languages require the # Locale::Maketext::Lexicon and Encode/MapUTF8 Perl # modules to be installed.

$Foswiki::cfg{UserInterfaceInternationalisation} = 0; # *LANGUAGES* Marker used by bin/configure script - do not remove! #

These settings control the languages that are available for the # user interface. Check every language that you want your site to support.


Allowing all languages is the best for really international # sites, but for best performance you should enable only the languages you # really need. English is the default language, and is always enabled.


{LocalesDir} is used to find the languages supported in your installation, # so if the list of available languages below is empty, it's probably because # {LocalesDir} is pointing to the wrong place.

$Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{bg}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{cs}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{da}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{nl}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{fi}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{fr}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{de}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{it}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{ja}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{ko}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{no}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{pl}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{pt}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{'pt-br'}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{ru}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{es}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{sv}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{tr}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{'zh-cn'}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Languages}{'zh-tw'}{Enabled} = 1; #---++ Locale #

Enable operating system level locales and internationalisation support # for 8-bit character sets. This may be required for correct functioning # of the programs that Foswiki calls when your wiki content uses # international character sets.

# **BOOLEAN** # Enable the used of {Site}{Locale} $Foswiki::cfg{UseLocale} = 0; # **STRING 50** # Site-wide locale - used by Foswiki and external programs such as grep, and to # specify the character set in which content must be presented for the user's # web browser. #
# Note that {Site}{Locale} is ignored unless {UseLocale} is set. #
# Locale names are not standardised. On Unix/Linux check 'locale -a' on # your system to see which locales are supported by your system. # You may also need to check what charsets your browsers accept - the # 'preferred MIME names' at http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets # are a good starting point. #
# WARNING: Topics are stored in site character set format, so data # conversion of file names and contents will be needed if you change # locales after creating topics whose names or contents include 8-bit # characters. #
# Examples:
# en_US.ISO-8859-1 - Standard US ISO-8859-1 (default)
# de_AT.ISO-8859-15 - Austria with ISO-8859-15 for Euro
# ru_RU.KOI8-R - Russia
# ja_JP.eucjp - Japan
# C - English only; no I18N features regarding character # encodings and external programs.
# UTF-8 locale like en_US.utf8 is still considered experimental $Foswiki::cfg{Site}{Locale} = 'en_US.ISO-8859-1'; # **STRING 50 ** # Set this to match your chosen {Site}{Locale} (from 'locale -a') # whose character set is not supported by your available perl conversion module # (i.e. Encode for Perl 5.8 or higher, or Unicode::MapUTF8 for other Perl # versions). For example, if the locale 'ja_JP.eucjp' exists on your system # but only 'euc-jp' is supported by Unicode::MapUTF8, set this to 'euc-jp'. # If you don't define it, it will automatically be defaulted to iso-8859-1
# UTF-8 support is still considered experimental. Use the value 'utf-8' to try it. $Foswiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet} = 'iso-8859-1'; # **SELECT gmtime,servertime** # Set the timezone (this only effects the display of times, # all internal storage is still in GMT). May be gmtime or servertime $Foswiki::cfg{DisplayTimeValues} = 'gmtime'; # **SELECT $day $month $year, $year-$mo-$day, $year/$mo/$day, $year.$mo.$day** # Set the default format for dates. The traditional Foswiki format is # '$day $month $year' (31 Dec 2007). The ISO format '$year-$mo-$day' # (2007-12-31) is recommended for non English language Foswikis. Note that $mo # is the month as a two digit number. $month is the three first letters of # English name of the month $Foswiki::cfg{DefaultDateFormat} = '$day $month $year'; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Disable to force explicit listing of national chars in # regexes, rather than relying on locale-based regexes. Intended # for Perl 5.6 or higher on platforms with broken locales: should # only be disabled if you have locale problems. $Foswiki::cfg{Site}{LocaleRegexes} = 1; # **STRING EXPERT** # If a suitable working locale is not available (i.e. {UseLocale} # is disabled), OR you are using Perl 5.005 (with or without working # locales), OR {Site}{LocaleRegexes} is disabled, you can use WikiWords with # accented national characters by putting any '8-bit' accented # national characters within these strings - i.e. {UpperNational} # should contain upper case non-ASCII letters. This is termed # 'non-locale regexes' mode. # If 'non-locale regexes' is in effect, WikiWord linking will work, # but some features such as sorting of WikiWords in search results # may not. These features depend on {UseLocale}, which can be set # independently of {Site}{{LocaleRegexes}, so they will work with Perl # 5.005 as long as {UseLocale} is set and you have working # locales. $Foswiki::cfg{UpperNational} = ''; # **STRING EXPERT** # $Foswiki::cfg{LowerNational} = ''; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Change non-existent plural topic name to singular, # e.g. TestPolicies to TestPolicy. Only works in English. $Foswiki::cfg{PluralToSingular} = 1; #---+ Store #

Foswiki supports different back-end store implementations.

# **SELECTCLASS Foswiki::Store::* ** # Store implementation. # $Foswiki::cfg{Store}{Implementation} = 'Foswiki::Store::RcsWrap'; # **BOOLEAN** # Set to enable hierarchical webs. Without this setting, Foswiki will only # allow a single level of webs. If you set this, you can use # multiple levels, like a directory tree, i.e. webs within webs. $Foswiki::cfg{EnableHierarchicalWebs} = 1; # **NUMBER EXPERT** # Number of seconds to remember changes for. This doesn't affect revision # histories, which always remember when a file changed. It only affects # the number of changes that are cached for fast access by the 'changes' and # 'statistics' scripts, and for use by extensions such as the change # notification mailer. It should be no shorter than the interval between runs # of these scripts. $Foswiki::cfg{Store}{RememberChangesFor} = 2678400; # **SELECTCLASS Foswiki::Store::SearchAlgorithms::*** # Foswiki RCS has two built-in search algorithms #
  1. The default 'Forking' algorithm, which forks a subprocess that # runs a 'grep' command and is recommended for Linux/Unix, #
  2. The 'PurePerl' implementation, which is written in Perl and # usually only used for native Windows installations where forking # does not work stable because of limitations in length of command line
# On Linux/Unix you will be just fine with the 'Forking' implementation. # However if you find searches run very slowly, you may want to try a # different algorithm, which may work better on your configuration. # Forking may work OK also on Windows if you keep the directory path to # Foswiki very short. # Note that there is an alternative algorithm available from # # http://foswiki.org/Extensions/NativeSearchContrib , that often # gives better performance with mod_perl and Speedy CGI. $Foswiki::cfg{Store}{SearchAlgorithm} = 'Foswiki::Store::SearchAlgorithms::Forking'; # bodgey up a default location for grep my $grepDefaultPath = '/bin/'; $grepDefaultPath = '/usr/bin/' if ($^O eq 'darwin'); $grepDefaultPath = 'c:/PROGRA~1/GnuWin32/bin/' if ($^O eq 'MSWin32'); # **COMMAND EXPERT** # Full path to GNU-compatible egrep program. This is used for searching when # {SearchAlgorithm} is 'Foswiki::Store::SearchAlgorithms::Forking'. # %CS{|-i}% will be expanded # to -i for case-sensitive search or to the empty string otherwise. # Similarly for %DET, which controls whether matching lines are required. # (see the documentation on these options with GNU grep for details). $Foswiki::cfg{Store}{EgrepCmd} = '/bin/grep -E %CS{|-i}% %DET{|-l}% -H -- %TOKEN|U% %FILES|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # Full path to GNU-compatible fgrep program. This is used for searching when # {SearchAlgorithm} is 'Foswiki::Store::SearchAlgorithms::Forking'. $Foswiki::cfg{Store}{FgrepCmd} = '/bin/grep -F %CS{|-i}% %DET{|-l}% -H -- %TOKEN|U% %FILES|F%'; # **SELECTCLASS Foswiki::Store::QueryAlgorithms::* EXPERT** # The standard Foswiki algorithm for performing queries is not particularly # fast (it is based on plain-text searching). You may be able to select # a different algorithm here, depending on what alternative implementations # may have been installed. $Foswiki::cfg{Store}{QueryAlgorithm} = 'Foswiki::Store::QueryAlgorithms::BruteForce'; # **SELECTCLASS Foswiki::Prefs::*RAM* EXPERT** # The algorithm used to store preferences. The default algorithm reads # topics each time to access preferences. A caching algorithm that uses # BerkeleyDB is also available from the PrefsCachePlugin. This algorithm # is faster, but requires BerkeleyDB to be installed. $Foswiki::cfg{Store}{PrefsBackend} = 'Foswiki::Prefs::TopicRAM'; # **OCTAL EXPERT** # File security for new directories created by RCS stores. You may have # to adjust these # permissions to allow (or deny) users other than the webserver user access # to directories that Foswiki creates. This is an octal number # representing the standard UNIX permissions (e.g. 755 == rwxr-xr-x) $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{dirPermission} = 493; # **OCTAL EXPERT** # File security for new files created by RCS stores. You may have to adjust these # permissions to allow (or deny) users other than the webserver user access # to files that Foswiki creates. This is an octal number # representing the standard UNIX permissions (e.g. 644 == rw-r--r--) $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{filePermission} = 420; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Some file-based Store implementations (RcsWrap and RcsLite) store # attachment meta-data separately from the actual attachments. # This means that it is possible to have a file in an attachment directory # that is not seen as an attachment by Foswiki. Sometimes it is desirable to # be able to simply copy files into a directory and have them appear as # attachments, and that's what this feature allows you to do. # Considered experimental. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{AutoAttachPubFiles} = 0; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # Specifies the extension to use on RCS files. Set to -x,v on windows, leave # blank on other platforms. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{ExtOption} = ''; # **REGEX EXPERT** # Perl regular expression matching suffixes valid on plain text files # Defines which attachments will be treated as ASCII in RCS. This is a # filter in, so any filenames that match this expression will # be treated as ASCII. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{asciiFileSuffixes} = '\\.(txt|html|xml|pl)$'; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Set this if your RCS cannot check out using the -p option. # May be needed in some windows installations (not required for cygwin) $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{coMustCopy} = 0; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap initialise a file as binary. # %FILENAME|F% will be expanded to the filename. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{initBinaryCmd} = '/usr/bin/rcs -i -t-none -kb %FILENAME|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap initialise a topic file. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{initTextCmd} = '/usr/bin/rcs -i -t-none -ko %FILENAME|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap uses this on Windows to create temporary binary files during upload. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{tmpBinaryCmd} = '/usr/bin/rcs -kb %FILENAME|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap check-in. # %USERNAME|S% will be expanded to the username. # %COMMENT|U% will be expanded to the comment. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{ciCmd} = '/usr/bin/ci -m%COMMENT|U% -t-none -w%USERNAME|S% -u %FILENAME|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap check in, forcing the date. # %DATE|D% will be expanded to the date. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{ciDateCmd} = '/usr/bin/ci -m%COMMENT|U% -t-none -d%DATE|D% -u -w%USERNAME|S% %FILENAME|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap check out. # %REVISION|N% will be expanded to the revision number $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{coCmd} = '/usr/bin/co -p%REVISION|N% -ko %FILENAME|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap file history. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{histCmd} = '/usr/bin/rlog -h %FILENAME|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap revision info about the file. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{infoCmd} = '/usr/bin/rlog -r%REVISION|N% %FILENAME|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap revision info about the revision that existed at a given date. # %REVISIONn|N% will be expanded to the revision number. # %CONTEXT|N% will be expanded to the number of lines of context. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{rlogDateCmd} = '/usr/bin/rlog -d%DATE|D% %FILENAME|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap differences between two revisions. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{diffCmd} = '/usr/bin/rcsdiff -q -w -B -r%REVISION1|N% -r%REVISION2|N% -ko --unified=%CONTEXT|N% %FILENAME|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap lock a file. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{lockCmd} = '/usr/bin/rcs -l %FILENAME|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap unlock a file. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{unlockCmd} = '/usr/bin/rcs -u %FILENAME|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap break a file lock. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{breaklockCmd} = '/usr/bin/rcs -u -M %FILENAME|F%'; # **COMMAND EXPERT** # RcsWrap delete a specific revision. $Foswiki::cfg{RCS}{delRevCmd} = '/usr/bin/rcs -o%REVISION|N% %FILENAME|F%'; #---+ Tuning #---++ HTTP Compression # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Enable gzip/deflate page compression. Modern browsers can uncompress content # encoded using gzip compression. You will save a lot of bandwidth by compressing # pages. This makes most sense when enabling page caching as well as these are # stored in compressed format by default when {HttpCompress} is enabled. # Note that only pages without any 'dirty areas' will be compressed. Any other page # will be transmitted uncompressed. $Foswiki::cfg{HttpCompress} = 0; #---++ HTML Page Layout # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** #

{MergeHeadAndScriptZones} is provided to maintain compatibility with legacy extensions that use ADDTOHEAD to add <script> markup and require content that is now in the script zone.


Normally, dependencies between individual ADDTOZONE statements are resolved within each zone. However, if {MergeHeadAndScriptZones} is enabled, then head content which requires an id that only exists in script (and vice-versa) will be re-ordered to satisfy any dependency.


{MergeHeadAndScriptZones} will be removed from a future version of Foswiki.

$Foswiki::cfg{MergeHeadAndScriptZones} = 0; #---++ Cache #

Foswiki includes built-in support for caching HTML pages. This can # dramatically increase performance, especially if there are a lot more page # views than changes.

# The cache has a number of setup and tuning parameters. You should read # Page Caching on # foswiki.org (or your local copy of this page in the System web) before # enabling the cache. It is important that you read this topic carefully # as the cache also has some major disadvantages with respect to formatted # searches. # **BOOLEAN** # This setting will switch on/off caching. $Foswiki::cfg{Cache}{Enabled} = 0; # **STRING 80 EXPERT** # List of those topics that have a manual dependency on every topic # in a web. Web dependencies can also be specified using the WEBDEPENDENCIES # preference, which overrides this setting. $Foswiki::cfg{Cache}{WebDependencies} = 'WebRss, WebAtom, WebTopicList, WebIndex, WebSearch, WebSearchAdvanced'; # **REGEX EXPERT** # Exclude topics that match this regular expression from the dependency # tracker. $Foswiki::cfg{Cache}{DependencyFilter} = '$Foswiki::cfg{SystemWebName}\\..*|$Foswiki::cfg{TrashWebName}\\..*|.*Template$|TWiki\\..*'; # **SELECTCLASS Foswiki::Cache::* EXPERT** # Select the default caching mechanism. Note that individual subsystems might # choose a different backend for their own purposes. $Foswiki::cfg{CacheManager} = 'Foswiki::Cache::FileCache'; # **SELECT Foswiki::Cache::DB_File,Foswiki::Cache::BDB EXPERT** # Select the database backend use to store meta data for the page cache. $Foswiki::cfg{MetaCacheManager} = 'Foswiki::Cache::DB_File'; # **PATH EXPERT** # Specify the root directory for CacheManagers that use file-system based # storage. This is where the database files will be stored. $Foswiki::cfg{Cache}{RootDir} = '$Foswiki::cfg{WorkingDir}/tmp/cache'; # **STRING 30 EXPERT** # Specify the database file for the Foswiki::Cache::DB_File # CacheManager $Foswiki::cfg{Cache}{DBFile} = '$Foswiki::cfg{WorkingDir}/tmp/foswiki_db'; # **STRING EXPERT** # Specify the namespace used by this site in a store shared with other systems. $Foswiki::cfg{Cache}{NameSpace} = '$Foswiki::cfg{DefaultUrlHost}'; # **NUMBER EXPERT** # Specify the maximum number of cache entries for size-aware CacheManagers like # MemoryLRU. This won't have any effect on other CacheManagers. $Foswiki::cfg{Cache}{MaxSize} = 1000; # **STRING 30 EXPERT** # Specify a comma separated list of servers for distributed CacheManagers like # Memcached. This setting won't have any effect on other CacheManagers. $Foswiki::cfg{Cache}{Servers} = 'xxx.x.x.x:xxxxx'; #---+ Mail and Proxies #

Settings controlling if and how Foswiki sends email, and the proxies used # to access external web pages.

# **BOOLEAN** # Enable email globally. $Foswiki::cfg{EnableEmail} = 1; # **STRING 30** # Wiki administrator's e-mail address e.g. webmaster@example.com # (used in %WIKIWEBMASTER%) # NOTE: must be a single valid email address $Foswiki::cfg{WebMasterEmail} = 'x@test.com'; # **STRING 30** # Wiki administrator's name address, for use in mails (first name and # last name, e.g. Fred Smith) (used in %WIKIWEBMASTERNAME%) $Foswiki::cfg{WebMasterName} = 'Wiki Administrator'; # **COMMAND** # Mail program. If Net::SMTP is installed, it will be used in preference. # To force Foswiki to use the {MailProgram}, unset both {SMTP}{MAILHOST} # below and all SMTPMAILHOST settings in your Foswiki's Preferences topics. # This needs to be a command-line program that accepts # MIME format mail messages on standard input, and mails them. # To disable all outgoing email from Foswiki leave both this field and the # MAILHOST field below blank. $Foswiki::cfg{MailProgram} = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -oi -oeq'; # **STRING 30** # Mail host for outgoing mail. This is only used if Net::SMTP is installed. # Examples: mail.your.company # CAUTION This setting can be overridden by a setting of SMTPMAILHOST # in SitePreferences. Make sure you delete that setting if you are using a # SitePreferences topic from a previous release of Foswiki. To disable all # outgoing mail from Foswiki leave both this field and the MailProgram field # above blank. If the smtp server uses a different port than the default 25 # use the syntax mail.your.company:portnumber $Foswiki::cfg{SMTP}{MAILHOST} = ''; # **STRING 30** # Mail domain sending mail, required if you are using Net::SMTP. SMTP # requires that you identify the server sending mail. If not set, # Net::SMTP will guess it for you. Example: foswiki.your.company. # CAUTION This setting can be overridden by a setting of %SMTPSENDERHOST% # in SitePreferences. Make sure you delete that setting. $Foswiki::cfg{SMTP}{SENDERHOST} = ''; # **STRING 30** # Username for SMTP. Only required if your server requires authentication. If # this is left blank, Foswiki will not attempt to authenticate the mail sender. $Foswiki::cfg{SMTP}{Username} = ''; # **PASSWORD 30** # Password for your {SMTP}{Username}. $Foswiki::cfg{SMTP}{Password} = ''; # **STRING 30** # Some environments require outbound HTTP traffic to go through a proxy # server. (e.g. http://proxy.your.company). # CAUTION This setting can be overridden by a PROXYHOST setting # in SitePreferences. Make sure you delete the setting from there if # you are using a SitePreferences topic from a previous release of Foswiki. # If your proxy requires authentication, simply put it in the URL, as in: # http://username:password@proxy.your.company. $Foswiki::cfg{PROXY}{HOST} = ''; # **STRING 30** # Some environments require outbound HTTP traffic to go through a proxy # server. Set the port number here (e.g: 8080). # CAUTION This setting can be overridden by a PROXYPORT setting # in SitePreferences. Make sure you delete the setting from there if you # are using a SitePreferences topic from a previous release of Foswiki. $Foswiki::cfg{PROXY}{PORT} = ''; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Remove IMG tags in notification mails. $Foswiki::cfg{RemoveImgInMailnotify} = 1; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # Name of topic in each web that has notification registrations. # If you change this setting you will have to # use Foswiki to manually rename the topic in all existing webs $Foswiki::cfg{NotifyTopicName} = 'WebNotify'; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # Set this option on to enable debug # mode in SMTP. Output will go to the webserver error log. $Foswiki::cfg{SMTP}{Debug} = 0; #---+ Miscellaneous -- EXPERT #

Miscellaneous expert options.

# **STRING 20 EXPERT** # Name of the web where documentation and default preferences are held. If you # change this setting, you must make sure the web exists and contains # appropriate content, and upgrade scripts may no longer work (i.e. don't # change it unless you are certain that you know what you are doing!) $Foswiki::cfg{SystemWebName} = 'System'; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # Name of the web used as a trashcan (where deleted topics are moved) # If you change this setting, you must make sure the web exists. $Foswiki::cfg{TrashWebName} = 'Trash'; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # Name of site-level preferences topic in the {SystemWebName} web. # If you change this setting you will have to # use Foswiki and *manually* rename the existing topic. # (i.e. don't change it unless you are certain that you know what # you are doing!) $Foswiki::cfg{SitePrefsTopicName} = 'DefaultPreferences'; # **STRING 70 EXPERT** # Web.TopicName of the site-level local preferences topic. If this topic # exists, any settings in it will override settings in # {SitePrefsTopicName}.
# You are strongly recommended to keep all your local changes in # a {LocalSitePreferences} topic rather than changing DefaultPreferences, # as it will make upgrading a lot easier. $Foswiki::cfg{LocalSitePreferences} = '$Foswiki::cfg{UsersWebName}.SitePreferences'; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # Name of main topic in a web. # If you change this setting you will have to # use Foswiki to manually rename the topic in all existing webs # (i.e. don't change it unless you are certain that you know what # you are doing!) $Foswiki::cfg{HomeTopicName} = 'WebHome'; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # Name of preferences topic in a web. # If you change this setting you will have to # use Foswiki to manually rename the topic in all existing webs # (i.e. don't change it unless you are certain that you know what # you are doing!) $Foswiki::cfg{WebPrefsTopicName} = 'WebPreferences'; # **STRING 20 EXPERT** # Name of the web where usertopics are stored. If you # change this setting, you must make sure the web exists and contains # appropriate content, and upgrade scripts may no longer work # (i.e. don't change it unless you are certain that you know what # you are doing!) $Foswiki::cfg{UsersWebName} = 'Main'; # **STRING 70x10 EXPERT** # A comma-separated list of generic file name templates, containing # placeholders $name (the template name), $web # (the web), and $skin (the skin(s)) # standing in for part of the file name. This path is expanded to a sequence # of file names. The first file on this list that is found is taken to be the # requested template file. The file names can either be absolute file names # ending in ".tmpl" or a topic name in a Foswiki web. # See 'Security and usability' in System.SkinTemplates for advice on # setting this path for increased security. $Foswiki::cfg{TemplatePath} = '$Foswiki::cfg{TemplateDir}/$web/$name.$skin.tmpl, $Foswiki::cfg{TemplateDir}/$name.$skin.tmpl, $web.$skinSkin$nameTemplate, $Foswiki::cfg{SystemWebName}.$skinSkin$nameTemplate, $Foswiki::cfg{TemplateDir}/$web/$name.tmpl, $Foswiki::cfg{TemplateDir}/$name.tmpl, $web.$nameTemplate, $Foswiki::cfg{SystemWebName}.$nameTemplate'; # **STRING 120 EXPERT** # List of protocols (URI schemes) that Foswiki will # automatically recognize in absolute links. # Add any extra protocols specific to your environment (for example, you might # add 'imap' or 'pop' if you are using shared mailboxes accessible through # your browser, or 'tel' if you have a softphone setup that supports links # using this URI scheme). A list of popular URI schemes can be # found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme. $Foswiki::cfg{LinkProtocolPattern} = '(file|ftp|gopher|https|http|irc|mailto|news|nntp|telnet)'; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # 'Anchors' are positions within a Foswiki page that can be targeted in # a URL using the #anchor syntax. The format of these anchors has # changed several times. If this option is set, Foswiki will generate extra # redundant anchors that are compatible with the old formats. If it is not # set, the links will still work but will go to the head of the target page. # There is a small performance cost for enabling this option. Set it if # your site has been around for a long time, and you want existing external # links to the internals of pages to continue to work. $Foswiki::cfg{RequireCompatibleAnchors} = 0; # **NUMBER EXPERT** # How many links to other revisions to show in the bottom bar. 0 for all $Foswiki::cfg{NumberOfRevisions} = 4; # **NUMBER EXPERT** # Set the upper limit of the maximum number of difference that will be # displayed when viewing the entire history of a page. The compared revisions # will be evenly spaced across the history of the page e.g. if the page has # 100 revisions and we have set this option to 10, we will see differences # between r100 and r90, r90 and r80, r80 and r70 and so on. $Foswiki::cfg{MaxRevisionsInADiff} = 25; # **NUMBER EXPERT** # If this is set to a > 0 value, and the revision control system # supports it (RCS does), then if a second edit of the same topic # is done by the same user within this number of seconds, a new # revision of the topic will NOT be created (the top revision will # be replaced). Set this to 0 if you want all topic changes to create # a new revision (as required by most formal development processes). $Foswiki::cfg{ReplaceIfEditedAgainWithin} = 3600; # **NUMBER EXPERT** # When a topic is edited, the user takes a "lease" on that topic. # If another user tries to also edit the topic while the lease # is still active, they will get a warning. Leases are released # automatically when the topic is saved; otherwise they remain active # for {LeaseLength} seconds from when the edit started (or was checkpointed). #

Note: Leases are not locks; they are purely advisory. Leases # can always be broken, but they are valuable if you want to avoid merge # conflicts (e.g. you use highly structured data in your topic text and # want to avoid ever having to deal with conflicts) #

Since Foswiki 1.0.6, Foswiki pages that can be used to POST to the # server have a validation key, that must be sent to the server for the # post to succeed. These validation keys can only be used once, and expire # at the same time as the lease expires. $Foswiki::cfg{LeaseLength} = 3600; # **NUMBER EXPERT** # Even if the other users' lease has expired, then you can specify that # they should still get a (less forceful) warning about the old lease for # some additional time after the lease expired. You can set this to 0 to # suppress these extra warnings completely, or to -1 so they are always # issued, or to a number of seconds since the old lease expired. $Foswiki::cfg{LeaseLengthLessForceful} = 3600; # **PATH EXPERT** # Pathname to file that maps file suffixes to MIME types : # For Apache server set this to Apache's mime.types file pathname, # for example /etc/httpd/mime.types, or use the default shipped in # the Foswiki data directory. $Foswiki::cfg{MimeTypesFileName} = '$Foswiki::cfg{DataDir}/mime.types'; # **BOOLEAN EXPERT** # If set, this will cause Foswiki to treat warnings as errors that will # cause Foswiki to die. Provided for use by Plugin and Skin developers, # who should develop with it switched on. $Foswiki::cfg{WarningsAreErrors} = 0; # **PERL H** # List of operators permitted in structured search queries. # Each operator is implemented by a class. Not visible in the # configure UI. $Foswiki::cfg{Operators}{Query} = [ 'Foswiki::Query::OP_match', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_and', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_eq', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_lc', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_lte', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_not', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_ref', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_d2n', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_gte', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_length', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_lt', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_ob', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_uc', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_dot', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_gt', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_like', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_ne', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_or', 'Foswiki::Query::OP_where' ]; # **PERL H** # List of operators permitted in %IF statements. # Each operator is implemented by a class. Not visible in the # configure UI. $Foswiki::cfg{Operators}{If} = [ 'Foswiki::If::OP_allows', 'Foswiki::If::OP_defined', 'Foswiki::If::OP_isempty', 'Foswiki::If::OP_ingroup', 'Foswiki::If::OP_isweb', 'Foswiki::If::OP_context', 'Foswiki::If::OP_dollar', 'Foswiki::If::OP_istopic' ]; #---+ Extensions -- TABS #---++ Install and update extensions #

Consult online extensions repositories for new extensions, or check and manage updates.

# # **STRING 80 EXPERT** # Extensions Repositories Search List
# Foswiki extension repositories are just Foswiki webs that are organised in the # same way as the Extensions web on Foswiki.org. The 'Find more extensions' link # above searches these repositories for installable extensions. To set up an # extensions repository: #
  1. Create a Foswiki web to contain the repository
  2. #
  3. Copy the FastReport page from Foswiki:Extensions.FastReport to your new web
  4. #
  5. Set the WEBFORMS preference in WebPreferences to PackageForm
  6. #
# The page for each extension must have the PackageForm (copy from Foswiki.org), # and should have the packaged extension attached as a zip and/or # tgz file. #

# The search list is a semicolon-separated list of repository specifications, each in the format: name=(listurl,puburl,username,password) # where: #

# Note: if your Repository uses ApacheAuth, embed the username and password into the listurl as ?username=x;password=y #

# For example, # twiki.org=(http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/,http://twiki.org/p/pub/Plugins/); foswiki.org=(http://foswiki.org/Extensions/,http://foswiki.org/pub/Extensions/);

# For Extensions with the same name in more than one repository, the last matching repository in the list will be chosen, so Foswiki.org should always be last in the list for maximum compatibility. $Foswiki::cfg{ExtensionsRepositories} = 'Foswiki.org=(http://foswiki.org/Extensions/,http://foswiki.org/pub/Extensions/)'; # *FINDEXTENSIONS* Marker used by bin/configure script - do not remove! #---++ Enabled plugins # *PLUGINS* Marker used by bin/configure script - do not remove! #

The plugins listed below were discovered by searching the @INC # path for modules that match the Foswiki standard e.g. # Foswiki/Plugins/MyPlugin.pm or the TWiki standard i.e. # TWiki/Plugins/YourPlugin.pm


Any plugins enabled in the configuration but not found in the @INC # path are listed at the end and are flagged as errors in the PluginsOrder check.

# **STRING 80** # Plugins evaluation order. If set to a comma-separated list of plugin names, # will change the execution order of plugins so the listed subset of plugins # are executed first. The default execution order is alphabetical on plugin # name.

# # If TWiki compatibility is required, TWikiCompatibilityPlugin should be the first # Plugin in the list. SpreadSheetPlugin should typically be next in the list for proper operation.

# # Note that some other general extension environment checks are made and reported here. Plugins # that are enabled but not installed and duplicate plugins in the TWiki and Foswiki libraries # are reported here. Also if a TWiki plugin is enabled and the Foswik version is installed, this # will also be reported here. Expand the "Expert" options to find these issues. # $Foswiki::cfg{PluginsOrder} = ''; #'TWikiCompatibilityPlugin,SpreadSheetPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{PreferencesPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{PreferencesPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::PreferencesPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{SmiliesPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{SmiliesPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::SmiliesPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{CommentPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{CommentPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::CommentPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{SpreadSheetPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{SpreadSheetPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::SpreadSheetPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{InterwikiPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{InterwikiPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::InterwikiPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{TablePlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{TablePlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::TablePlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{EditTablePlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{EditTablePlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::EditTablePlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{SlideShowPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{SlideShowPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::SlideShowPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{TwistyPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{TwistyPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::TwistyPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{TinyMCEPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{TinyMCEPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::TinyMCEPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{WysiwygPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{WysiwygPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{TWikiCompatibilityPlugin}{Enabled} = 0; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{TWikiCompatibilityPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::TWikiCompatibilityPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{AutoViewTemplatePlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{AutoViewTemplatePlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::AutoViewTemplatePlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{HistoryPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{HistoryPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::HistoryPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{JQueryPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{JQueryPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::JQueryPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{RenderListPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{RenderListPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::RenderListPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{MailerContribPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{MailerContribPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::MailerContribPlugin'; #---++ Plugin settings # **STRING 80 EXPERT** # Search path (web names) for plugin topics. Note that the session web # is searched last, after this list. $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{WebSearchPath} = '$Foswiki::cfg{SystemWebName}'; #,TWiki'; 1; __END__ # # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Foswiki Contributors. Foswiki Contributors # are listed in the AUTHORS file in the root of this distribution. # NOTE: Please extend that file, not this notice. # # Additional copyrights apply to some or all of the code in this module # as follows: # Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Peter Thoeny, peter@thoeny.org and # TWiki Contributors.# All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For # more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution. # # As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited. $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{EmptyPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::EmptyPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{TablePlugin}{DefaultAttributes} = 'tableborder="1" valign="top" headercolor="#000000" headerbg="#d6d3cf" headerbgsorted="#c4c1ba" databg="#ffffff,#f7f7f6" databgsorted="#f7f7f6,#f0f0ee" tablerules="rows" headerrules="cols"'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{TablePlugin}{Debug} = 0; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{AutoViewTemplatePlugin}{Debug} = 0; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{AutoViewTemplatePlugin}{Override} = 0; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{AutoViewTemplatePlugin}{Mode} = 'exist'; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Debug} = 0; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{MemoryCache} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{IconSearchPath} = 'FamFamFamSilkIcons, FamFamFamSilkCompanion1Icons, FamFamFamFlagIcons, FamFamFamMiniIcons, FamFamFamMintIcons'; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{NoConflict} = 0; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{DefaultPlugins} = ''; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{JQueryVersion} = 'jquery-1.3.2'; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{JQueryTheme} = 'base'; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Autocomplete}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Bgiframe}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Button}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{BlockUI}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Chili}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Corner}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Cookie}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Cycle}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Debug}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Easing}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Farbtastic}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Focus}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Form}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Foswiki}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{FluidFont}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Gradient}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{HoverIntent}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{InnerFade}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{LiveQuery}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{LocalScroll}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{MaskedInput}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Masonry}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Media}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Metadata}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{PopUpWindow}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{QueryObject}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Rating}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{ScrollTo}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{SerialScroll}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Shake}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{ShrinkUrls}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{SimpleModal}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Slimbox}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Superfish}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Supersubs}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Tabpane}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{TextboxList}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Tooltip}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Treeview}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{UI}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{Validate}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{JQueryPlugin}{Plugins}{WikiWord}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{TWikiCompatibilityPlugin}{TWikiWebTopicNameConversion} = { 'TWikiFAQ' => 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions', 'TWikiGlossary' => 'GlossaryOfTerms', 'TWikiCss' => 'CascadingStyleSheets', 'TWikiLogos' => 'ProjectLogos', 'TWikiRegistration' => 'UserRegistration', 'TWikiReleaseNotes04x01' => '_remove_', 'TWikiSkinBrowser' => 'SkinBrowser', 'TWikiSkins' => 'Skins', 'TWikiContributor' => 'ProjectContributor', 'TWikiUserMappingContrib' => 'TopicUserMappingContrib', 'TWikiReleaseNotes04x00' => '_remove_', 'TWikiDownload' => 'DownloadSources', 'TWikiUserAuthentication' => 'UserAuthentication', 'TWikiMetaData' => 'MetaData', 'TWikiPreferences' => 'DefaultPreferences', 'TWikiScripts' => 'CommandAndCGIScripts', 'TWikiSiteTools' => 'SiteTools', 'TWikiReleaseNotes04x02' => 'ReleaseNotes01x00', 'TWikiUpgradeGuide' => 'UpgradeGuide', 'ATasteOfTWiki' => 'BeginnersStartHere', 'TWikiContribs' => 'Contribs', 'TWikiTutorial' => 'TwentyMinuteTutorial', 'TWikiUsersGuide' => 'UsersGuide', 'TWikiDocumentation' => 'CompleteDocumentation', 'TWikiEditingShorthand' => 'EditingShorthand', 'TWikiRegistrationAgent' => 'RegistrationAgent', 'TWikiReferenceManual' => 'ReferenceManual', 'TWikiEnhancementRequests' => 'EnhancementRequests', 'TWikiSite' => '_remove_', 'TWikiTopics' => 'TopicsAndWebs', 'TWikiAccessControl' => 'AccessControl', 'TWikiJavascripts' => 'JavascriptFiles', 'TWikiSystemRequirements' => 'SystemRequirements', 'TWikiForms' => 'DataForms', 'TWikiFaqTemplate' => 'FaqTemplate', 'TWikiTemplates' => 'TemplateTopics', 'WhatDoesTWikiStandFor' => '_remove_', 'TWikiRenderingShortcut' => 'RenderingShortcut', 'TWikiVariables' => 'Macros', 'TWikiVariablesQuickStart' => 'MacrosQuickStart', 'TWikiPlannedFeatures' => '_remove_', 'TWikiPlugins' => 'Plugins', 'TWikiUsersTemplate' => 'UsersTemplate', 'TWikiHistory' => 'ReleaseHistory', 'TWikiShorthand' => 'ShortHand', 'TWikiAddOns' => 'ContributedAddOns', 'TWikiInstallationGuide' => 'InstallationGuide', 'TWikiDocGraphics' => 'DocumentGraphics', 'TWikiWebsTable' => 'WebsTable', 'TWikiUserSetting' => 'UserSetting' }; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{TWikiCompatibilityPlugin}{MainWebTopicNameConversion} = { 'TWikiGuest' => 'WikiGuest', 'TWikiPreferences' => 'SitePreferences', 'TWikiRegistrationAgent' => 'RegistrationAgent', 'TWikiUsers' => 'WikiUsers', 'TWikiAdminUser' => 'AdminUser', 'TWikiAdminGroup' => 'AdminGroup', 'TWikiContributor' => 'ProjectContributor', 'TWikiGroupTemplate' => 'GroupTemplate', 'TWikiGroups' => 'WikiGroups' }; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{TWikiCompatibilityPlugin}{WebSearchPath} = { 'System' => 'TWiki', 'TWiki' => 'System' }; $Foswiki::cfg{MailerContrib}{EmailFilterIn} = ''; $Foswiki::cfg{SwitchBoard}{compare} = { 'function' => 'compare', 'context' => { 'comparing' => 1, 'diff' => 1 }, 'package' => 'Foswiki::Contrib::CompareRevisionsAddOn::Compare' }; $Foswiki::cfg{JSCalendarContrib}{style} = 'blue'; $Foswiki::cfg{JSCalendarContrib}{lang} = 'en'; $Foswiki::cfg{JSCalendarContrib}{format} = '%e %b %Y'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{WebPermissionsPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::WebPermissionsPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{WebPermissionsPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{ForEachPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{ForEachPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::ForEachPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{SwitchBoard}{natsearch} = [ 'Foswiki::Plugins::NatSkinPlugin::Search', 'searchCgi', { 'natsearch' => 1 } ]; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{BatchUploadPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::BatchUploadPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{BreadCrumbsPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{BreadCrumbsPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::BreadCrumbsPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{DBCachePlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{DBCachePlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::DBCachePlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{FilterPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{FilterPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::FilterPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{FlexWebListPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{FlexWebListPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::FlexWebListPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{IfDefinedPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{IfDefinedPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::IfDefinedPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{NatEditPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{NatEditPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::NatEditPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{NatSkinPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{NatSkinPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::NatSkinPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{RenderPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{RenderPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::RenderPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{SetVariablePlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{SetVariablePlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::SetVariablePlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{UploadPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{UploadPlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::UploadPlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{ZonePlugin}{Enabled} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{ZonePlugin}{Module} = 'Foswiki::Plugins::ZonePlugin'; $Foswiki::cfg{ZonePlugin}{Warnings} = 0; $Foswiki::cfg{DBCachePlugin}{MemoryCache} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{DBCachePlugin}{UseUploadHandler} = 0; $Foswiki::cfg{DBCacheContrib}{Archivist} = 'Foswiki::Contrib::DBCacheContrib::Archivist::Storable'; $Foswiki::cfg{DBCacheContrib}{AlwaysUpdateCache} = 1; $Foswiki::cfg{DBCacheContrib}{LoadFileLimit} = 0; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{BatchUploadPlugin}{usercontrol} = 0; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{BatchUploadPlugin}{Debug} = 0; $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{EmptyPlugin}{Enabled} = 1; 1;