This question about Topic Markup Language and applications: Answered

How do I access a VARIABLE defined in another topic

I have a variable in one topic and would like to access it from another Topic. I have a solution but wondered if I am missing something?

Fetching a Variable from another Topic in another web

Fetching a Variable from another Topic in another Web: %TESTVARHELLO% in Topic NeilGoodSandbox in Sandbox web is set to:
format="$pattern(.*?TESTVARHELLO \=[\n\r]*([^\n\r]+).*)"

-- NeilGood - 11 Mar 2009

yup. I have a feature request in that should be implemented in foswiki 1.1 that will simplify this.

it should result in something like (macro name and form may change)


QuestionForm edit

Subject Topic Markup Language and applications
Version TWikiRelease04x01x02
Status Answered
Topic revision: r3 - 11 Mar 2009, SvenDowideit
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