This question about Using an extension: Task filed

GoUptoTocPlugin destroys links in %TOC%

I have a wiki up and running. We are using at the top of most pages to create a table of contents. This works great and the elements in the table of contents are also links to each heading.

We wanted more navigation, within the page. The pages were getting quite long and it would be useful to be able to navigate back up to the TOC. We added the extension GoUptoTocPlugin. This added the up link onto each heading allowing it to go back up to the TOC.

However the links in the TOC no longer work.

I looked at the generated html source.

The TOC creates links based on the heading. However the plugin changes the heading adding a "back to TOC" on it. This seems to break the link from the TOC.

-- AshokKhosla - 06 Nov 2014

GoUptoTocPlugin is quite old and probably needs updating. I've file a bug report related to this report.

-- LynnwoodBrown - 10 Jan 2015


QuestionForm edit

Subject Using an extension
Extension GoUptoTocPlugin
Version Foswiki 1.1.9
Status Task filed
Related Topics
Topic revision: r3 - 10 Jan 2015, LynnwoodBrown
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