This question about Issue in browser: Asked

JSCalendarContrib CSS doesn't load


JSCalendarContrib on my Foswiki (1.1.4) install doesn't load any CSS. Looking at /lib/Foswiki/Contrib/, I can see around line 208 is where the style element is created in the output HTML.

However, in my browsers I get this:

<style type='text/css' media='all'>.calendar{z-index:2000}</style><!--JSCalendarContrib/css-->

It's as if the @import is ignored.

So I researched @import a little and ended up removing the .calendar rule on line 211 of /lib/Foswiki/Contrib/ (see Now my browsers get this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/pub/System/JSCalendarContrib/calendar-blue.css" type='text/css' media='all'/><!--JSCalendarContrib/css-->

and the JSCalendarContrib CSS loads correctly. Odd that the markup is totally different, but maybe that's how browsers parse this...? Unless I am missing something, or have some unusual mod in my Foswiki instance.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue?


-- NickLegg - 03 Sep 2014


QuestionForm edit

Subject Issue in browser
Extension JSCalendarContrib
Version Foswiki 1.1.4
Status Asked
Related Topics
Topic revision: r1 - 03 Sep 2014, NickLegg
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