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Format issue while table inside another table is used

I am creating FOSWIKI page in which the contents are placed in a 9x3 (rowsxcolumns) table. I have also used in two tables each in one of the cells of rows 6 and 7. After saving the page, everything is shown correctly. But if I try to edit this page then all the contents of row 7 are moved out of the table which makes the structure of the table to collapse. I even tried to recreate the table many times but it didnt help. Could anyone please help me to guess the root of this issue? Is it really the nested table structure used or can it be something else?

Thank you in advance.



-- AnithaNagarajan - 09 Aug 2014

When you originally create the table, are you using TML (Wiki text) or the Wysiwyg editor.

You might consider making the TML "sticky" so that Wysiwyg doesn't touch it.

| Complex | Table |
| | Layout |

This should prevent Wysiwyg from corrupting the table.

-- GeorgeClark - 11 Aug 2014

QuestionForm edit

Extension TablePlugin
Version Foswiki 1.1.9
Status Answered
Related Topics
Topic revision: r3 - 16 Aug 2014, GeorgeClark
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