This question about Installation of Foswiki, Configuration: Answered

Foswiki website shows error "Access Denied" on first attempt

Hi everybody,

I am first time user of FosWiki and am encountering problems in configuration and accessing the foswiki site for the first time. Kindly guide me how to remove the following warnings?
  • General path settings => {DataDir} => If this file is missing, foswiki will not recognize the directory as a Web and the contents will not be accessible to Foswiki.
    - C:/www/foswiki/data/Main missing WebPreferences topic
    - C:/www/foswiki/data/Sandbox missing WebPreferences topic
    - C:/www/foswiki/data/System missing WebPreferences topic
    Kindly note that all the mentioned folders exist in my C:/www/foswiki/data folder i.e. Main, Sandbox, System and others.
  • Security and Authentication => {Htpasswd}{Encoding} => Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt:
    Not installed. Required to use or autodetect: bcrypt encoding
Also, when i go to the Foswiki start page, it gives the following error: Access Denied: The "System" web does not exist
similarly, when i try to Create a new web, it redirects to the same above error.
When i press the OK at the bottom of this page, it takes me to the login/register page and when i click Register, it again redirects me to the above page.

Sometimes it says The "Main" web does not exist and sometimes it says The "System" web doesn't exist.

Any help in this regard will be appreciated. Kindly treat me like a newbie smile


Something is very wrong with your installation. How did you install? The missing files will make those webs non-operational, so it's expected that you are getting various "Web does not exist" errors.

Also, what version of Foswiki did you install, and on what platform? (Linux, windows, ...)

Did you use the official tgz file, or one of the contributed rpm or deb distributions.

-- GeorgeClark - 13 Jun 2013

Thanx for helping. After your reply, i re-downloaded the fosWiki version 1.1.8 and after extracting the .zip contents, noticed that this download had multiple files within each of foswiki/data/* folders while my former download had nothing inside these folders (i do't remember now from where i downloaded that one). Now my wiki is up!

Thanx for helping...


QuestionForm edit

Subject Installation of Foswiki, Configuration
Version Foswiki 1.1.8
Status Answered
Related Topics
Topic revision: r5 - 14 Jun 2013, GeorgeClark
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