This question about Using an extension: Asked

Mixing local and LDAP users

I have the need to register a bunch of external users which are not in the Active Directory I configured to use for authentication (and I can't put them there). Therefore I set "{Ldap}{SecondaryPasswordManager}" to "Foswiki::Users::HtPasswdUser" and started adding users with the BulkRegistration feature of the system web. That works OK so far. But when I run the BulkResetPassword I get only the message "The entry for user XYZ was missing in the password system." Same happens when I try to use the normal (non bulk) ResetPasswd. Are there any hints how to have local users and ldap managed users at the same time?

-- MathiasWindt - 05 Dec 2012


QuestionForm edit

Subject Using an extension
Extension LdapContrib
Version Foswiki 1.1.6
Status Asked
Related Topics
Topic revision: r1 - 05 Dec 2012, MathiasWindt
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