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SOLR issues with virtual cores

I'm struggling to just get SOLRPlugin to work at all, without virtual cores. There's only one Foswiki instance on this server. I don't (and won't) need virtual cores.

I can reach http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/ with no trouble. I cannot reach http://localhost:8983/solr/foswiki/admin/.

When I try to index using tools/virtualhosts-solrsearch host=foswiki I get an error

ERROR: unknown virtual host foswiki

Is there something I need to change in configure that I can't find documented?

I'd like to move the entire "virtual hosting" idea out of the equation and just use SOLRPlugin in one instance if possible. I would also like to ensure that both processes continue to be documented.

Is it safe to just use tools/solrindex?

I found the docs in the currently published version and was able to run solrindex

--+++ Indexing existing content offline
Before using SolrSearch you will need to index your content completely. Afterwards
Foswiki will keep the index up-to-date whenever you change a topic or upload another attachment.

Let's first test if the indexer is working fine by indexing a single topic:
<foswiki-dir>/tools/solrindex topic=Main.WebHome</verbatim>

Now check if this topic shows up in SolrSearch.

If that worked out fine go for the complete thing:
<foswiki-dir>/tools/solrindex mode=full optimize=on</verbatim>

This will crawl all webs, topics and attachment and submit them to the Solr server which in turn
will build up the search index. This can take a while depending on the amount of content and number of users
registered to your site already. During this process attachments are "stringified" using the StringifierContrib, that is
they are converted into a plain text format that Solr can read. !SolrPlugin will cache
the stringified version of all attachments and only process them again if the corresponding
binary version has changed. Thus a next full index run will process significant faster.

I would like to be sure that we do not lose the original sections of the docs that described using solrindex when multicore support is not desired. That seems so much simpler than worrying about "multi hosting" when there is only ever going to be one "host".

-- VickiBrown - 11 Jul 2012

SolrPlugin will always be using multicore, no matter whether you are using virtual hosts or not. That's the right thing to do even though you run one core only atm.

Relational DBMSes are partitioned into database schemas as well.

Don't use the virtualhost-solrindex tools if you don't have VirtualHostingContrib installed. Use solrindex instead.

-- MichaelDaum - 12 Jul 2012

I installed VirtualHostingContrib. Is it safe to use solrindex if I do have this installed?

I can't get either index tool to work.
  • virtualhost-solrindex says it can't find the default foswiki host.
  • solrindex claims to work but doesn't actually store indexes anywhere I can find
If I wanted to use the virtualhost-solrindex tools do I need to set {VirtualHostingContrib}{VirtualHostsDir} to /solr/multicore?

-- VickiBrown - 15 Jul 2012

Apparently at least some of my errors were due to having multiple copies of the server running. I;'ve fixed that and am now having trouble contacting the server. I'll come back to this issue (if it still exists) after resolving Support.Question1144.

-- VickiBrown - 24 Jul 2012

QuestionForm edit

Subject Using an extension
Extension SolrPlugin
Version Foswiki 1.1.4
Status More info required
Related Topics
Topic revision: r7 - 25 Jul 2012, VickiBrown
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