IRC log of our last TWiki Release Meeting, 27 Oct 2008

Some of use had our bi-weekly IRC meeting on Monday. But to our astonishment, just minutes before the release meeting started, TWIKI.NET announced they had locked from all of us.

Some excerpts:

20:13 PeterThoeny wow, we never had such good turnout at a release meeting!

20:14 Lavr So in summary. The elected interim governance team is discarded by, The BDFL is back, we have to accept TWiki.nets terms of use, TWiki will not be lead by an association.

20:16 TomBarton We definitely do not believe that complete democratization is the best approach, but there may be a role for an association in the future. I think the association point is the least of our worries though

20:16 MichaelDaum To all. This was not discussed with the Interim Board of Directors AT ALL

20:18 TomBarton At this point the project does not recognize the authority of the interim governance council

20:19 TomBarton to explain ourselves, our reasoning was pretty simple

20:20 TomBarton we just didn't think that the twiki project was moving in the right direction

20:32 TomBarton no - we actually were on a path toward negotiating, but changed our minds after careful review of the letter from the Interim Governance team (which came a few weeks after the summit)

20:33 MichaelDaum you even gave us a very positive reply in the meantime. "very likely that we accept" etc

20:34 Lavr Well. We are all basically being kicked out.

20:36 gmc so, i guess this meeting is over and the community reconvenes somewhere else?

Read the full irc log, timestamps in UTC

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twiki_release_2008_10_27.loglog twiki_release_2008_10_27.log manage 16 K 28 Oct 2008 - 08:43 KoenMartens IRC log twiki release meeting 2008-10-27
Topic revision: r4 - 05 Nov 2008, ArthurClemens
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